2018-10-13 https://totallychefs.com/articles/how-to-set-a-casual-table TotallyChefs 448 448 Jennifer While there is a method to setting a casual table, casual table settings leave a lot of room for creativity and can vary greatly depending on your needs.

How to Set a Casual Table

How to Set a Casual Table

shared by Jennifer

Collect the items you will need to set your casual table.

This probably means one fork, one knife, one teaspoon, one napkin, one place mat, and one water glass per person. If you are serving something that requires different silverware (a soup spoon for soup or cereal, or a steak knife for tough meat), collect those utensils as well.

Set each place at the table with a place mat

Alternatively, you can cover the table with a tablecloth or leave the table bare for a minimalist look. Since you are setting the table for a casual night, feel free to use place mat or a tablecloth with bright colors or bold patterns. Have fun with your place setting.

Add napkins to the table

If you are using paper napkins, you may leave them in a holder or stack in the center of the table. Alternatively, if you are using paper or cloth napkins, you can place a napkin at each spot. At a casual table, the napkin can go on either side of a setting or in the center of the setting. If you decide to place the napkins in the center of each setting, they will need to be moved when plates are moved to the table. Again, feel free to experiment with colors and patterns!

Set out the utensils

This is a casual table setting, so don't worry too much about placement of your utensils. The most important thing is that you are consistent across each place setting. A standard casual setting is the following: Set the knife and spoon on the right side of the setting with the knife on the inside and the spoon on the outside. The knife blade should face the center of the setting, where the plate will be. Set the fork on the left of the place setting. If you are using a salad fork, it goes to the outside on the left. A soup spoon can be exchanged with the regular spoon on the right, and a steak knife can be exchanged with the regular knife on the right.

Add glasses to the table

Water glasses go above the setting to the right. Any other glasses (for wine, cocktails, etc.) typically go to the right of the water glass, above the spoon.